S Parameter in the Holographic Walking/Conformal Technicolor(Particles and Fields)
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We explicitly calculate the S parameter in entire parameter space of the holographic walking/conformal technicolor (W/C TC), based on the deformation of the holographic QCD by varying the anomalous dimension from γ_m≃0 through γ_m≃1 continuously. The S parameter is given as a positive monotonic function of ξ which is fairly insensitive to γ_m and continuously vanishes as S〜ξ^2→0 when ξ→0, where ξ is the vacuum expectation value of the bulk scalar field at the infrared boundary of the 5th dimension z=z_m and is related to the mass of (techni-) ρ meson (M_ρ) and the decay constant (f_π) as ξ〜f_πz_m〜f_π/M_ρ for ξ≪1. However, although ξ is related to the techni-fermion condensate <T^^-T>, we find no particular suppression of ζ and hence of S due to large γ_m based on the correct identification of the renormalization-point dependence of <T^^-T> in contrast to the literature. Then we argue possible behaviors of f_π/M_ρ as <T^^-T>→0 near the conformal window characterized by the Banks-Zaks infrared fixed point in more explicit dynamics with γ_m≃1. It is a curious coincidence that the result from ladder Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter equations well fits in the parameter space obtained in this paper. When f_π/M_ρ→0 is realized, the holography suggests a novel possibility that f_π vanishes much faster than the dynamical mass m does.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2008-10-25
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Matsuzaki Shinya
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Matsuzaki Shinya
Department Of Physics And Astronomy University Of North Carolina
HABA Kazumoto
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Haba Kazumoto
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Yamawaki Koichi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina
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