- 論文の詳細を見る
Total iron and non-heme iron contents of meats and fishes were determined. A colorimetric non-heme iron assay method modified by Rhee and Ziprin was used to determine the non-heme iron content. Non-heme iron, expressed as percent of the total iron in raw beef inside round, pork inside ham, chicken thigh, and chicken breast was 20, 48, 44, and 39%, respectively. The percentage of non-heme iron in sardine (all of edible portion), sardine (dark meat), sardine (white meat), pacific saury, flatfish, and bastard halibut was about 42, 51, 20, 66, 40, and 58%, respectively. The effect of roasting on non-heme iron contents in these foods was also studied. Roasting meats at 100℃ did not increase the non-heme iron contents of the meats: Heating at 170℃ released a significant amount of non-heme iron from bound heme pigments in meats except pork inside ham. Roasting fishes at 100℃ released a significant amount of non-heme iron from heme pigments, and the non-heme iron contents in fishes increased as the temperature rose and the period of the heat treatment increased. The destruction of heme pigment in meats and fishes was observed when the internal temperature of these foods was above 60℃, except pork inside ham.
- 日本調理科学会の論文
- 1993-05-20
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