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Walking in water is not only useful therapeutic modality, but also good exercise for fitness enhancement, especially appropriate for the patiens with obesity and/or orthopedic dideases, because the human body is more inbuoyant in water to decrease the compressive joint forces. Although the elder patients with orthopedic diseases or obese humen may have ischemic heart disease, they could not be recorded stress ECG during walking or running in water with standard 12 leads electrocardiogram(ECG), because they do always move in the pool during walking or jogging in the water. We developed a new type of flow water treadmill exercise ECG system, which consists of treadmill in the bottom of small walking pool and water flow generating system. Using this system, we examined the energy expenditure, heart rate, blood pressure, and exercise ECG were measured from 6 healthy men and 8 elder patients with orthopedic diseases. Water temperature was 34+-0.2'C, and depth was 110cm. We could take good enough ECG tracing with waterproof electrode in all subjects. Especially, appropriate stress ECG recordings were obtained, even from some patients who could not walk by themselves on land in the air. Oxygen consumption of the elder patients with orthopedic diseases was from 2.53 to 2.95 Mets during 40 m/rnin walking, and mean 5.82 Mets from normal adult men during 60 m/min walking in the flowmill. This system is very useful and unique exercises tress ECG system to check the silent ischemia and exercise induced arrythmia. After checking Flowmill stress ECG, patients with coronary heart disease or coronary risk factor, e.g. obesity, may be able to enjoy walking, jogging and aerobic dance in water to get better quality of life.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1993-02-15
堀田 昇
藤野 武彦
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
清水 富弘
大柿 哲朗
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
金谷 庄藏
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
藤島 和孝
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
堀田 〓
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
正野 知基
九州大学 医学部保健学科看護学専攻
萩原 博嗣
Sasebo Kyosai Hospital
正野 知基
Beppu Women's Junior College
清水 富弘
Oita University
清水 富弘
大柿 哲朗
Institute of Health Science, Kushu University
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