3kV 600A 4H-SiC平型pnダイオードの熱特性
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3kV 600A 4H-SiC high temperature flat package type diodes have been developed for use in electricity supply, which are a pressure contact flat package type and include five 6mm × 6mm SiC diode chips. A developed flat package type diodes have the thermal resistance of 0.21°C/W and this value is ten times as large as silicon thermal resistance, because SiC diode chip is smaller than Si diode chip. In order to lower the thermal resistance, it is necessary to increase the number of SiC chips in the flat package because of the difficulty of a making SiC large area chip. SiC pn Flat package diode can realize the same thermal resistance value even at half chip area. The transient thermal impedance is saturated at nearly 1 seconds. On the other hand, the Si diodes transient thermal impedance is saturated at 50 seconds. In the short circuit current flows for 50ms, SiC pn Flat package diode endures the bigger pulse loads than Si diode over Tjmax of 200°C. For example SiC diode endures 2.3 times energy than Si diode at Tjmax of 500°C.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2008-08-01
浅野 勝則
関西電力(株)研究開発室 電力技術研究所
高山 大輔
関西電力(株)研究開発室 電力技術研究所
菅原 良孝
関西電力(株)研究開発室 電力技術研究所
菅原 良孝
関西電力株式会社 総合技術研究所 電力技術研究所
緒方 修二
関西電力(株)研究開発室 電力技術研究所
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