The Efficiency and Improvement of Simple Distillation Device by Solar Energy
田島 清
Tajima Kiyoshi
Division Of Biomaterials Department Of Oral Functional Reconstruction Kyushu Dental Collage
田島 清
National Institute Of Livestock And Grassland Science
Tajima K
Division Of Biomaterials Department Of Oral Functional Reconstruction Kyushu Dental Collage
Tajima Kiyoshi
Faculty Of Regional Environmental Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
SHIMADA Sawahiko
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Faculty of Regional Environmental Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Tajima Kiyoshi
Faculty Of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Watanabe Fumio
School Of Agricultural Biological And Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori Universi
Watanabe F
Faculty Of Regional Environmental Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Takahashi Satoru
Faculty Of Regional Environmental Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Takahashi Shinpei
Faculty Of Regional Environmental Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Shimada Sawahiko
Faculty Of Regional Environmental Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Shimada Sawahiko
Faculty Of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Takahashi Satoru
Faculty Of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Sekiyama T
Faculty Of Regional Environmental Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Sekiyama Tetsuo
Faculty Of Regional Environmental Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Watanabe Fumio
Faculty Of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Shimada Sawahiko
Faculty Of Regional Environment Science Department Of Bioproduction And Environment Engineering Toky
Watanabe Fumio
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Sciences Gifu University School Of Medicine
- SEEBUSの思い出
- オカラサイレージ、乾燥オカラ、オカラテンペの給与が肥育豚の回腸末端内容物の性状に及ぼす影響
- 23236 高強度RC柱に用いるコンクリートの寸法効果(柱(4),構造IV)
- 23240 高強度材料を用いた鉄筋コンクリート柱の曲げ耐力における寸法効果 : その3:実験結果に基づいた考察(柱(4),構造IV)
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- 濃厚洗米排水の保存性と飼料特性
- コンビニエンスストアから排出された消費期限切れ食品を主体とする発酵リキッド飼料によるブタの肥育試験
- Effects of sandblasting media and steam cleaning on bond strength of titanium-porcelain
- 近畿支部
- 22598 混合より線を用いた損傷制御型構造形式の開発基礎研究(合成梁・ブレース,構造III)
- 23015 RB工法を用いたRC架構の耐震補強に関する研究 : その1:実験的検証(外付け補強,構造IV)
- 23016 RB工法を用いたRC架構の耐震補強に関する研究 : その2:設計・施工法と適用例(外付け補強,構造IV)
- 23238 高強度材料を用いた鉄筋コンクリート柱の曲げ耐力における寸法効果 : その1:実験概要(柱(4),構造IV)
- 23239 高強度材料を用いた鉄筋コンクリート柱の曲げ耐力における寸法効果 : その2:実験結果の概略(柱(4),構造IV)
- 23241 高強度材料を用いた鉄筋コンクリート柱の曲げ耐力における寸法効果 : その4:実験結果と計算モデルとの比較(柱(4),構造IV)
- 23076 100MPaを超える高強度コンクリートの低サイクル疲労に関する実験的研究(コンクリート,構造IV)
- 23176 偏在開口を有するRC造連層耐震壁のせん断性状に関する研究 : その4:第2シリーズの実験概要・結果(耐震壁(5),構造IV)
- 23177 偏在開口を有するRC造連層耐震壁のせん断性状に関する研究 : その5:せん断剛性・耐力の検討、FEM解析(耐震壁(5),構造IV)
- 23183 耐震壁下に位置し杭を有する基礎梁のマクロモデルによる数値解析 : その2:基礎梁の損傷と耐震壁の変形の関連性(耐震壁(6),構造IV)
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- The Effect of Protozoa on the Composition of Rumen Bacteria in Cattle Using 16S rRNA Gene Clone Libraries
- テンペ菌発酵トウフ粕の養豚用飼料としての利用性
- ギ酸添加による甘しょ焼酎粕の保存性改善
- PCR法による肥料中の動物由来DNAの検出
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- Molecular cloning, nucleotide sequence and characteristics of a xylanase gene (xynA) from Ruminococcus albus 7
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- ルーメン細菌叢に及ぼすプロトゾアの影響の分子生物学的手法による解析
- Fiber Digestion by Rumen Ciliate Protozoa
- Three-Dimensional Finite Modeling from CT Images of Tooth and Its Validation
- Electropolishing of CP Titanium and Its Alloys in an Alcoholic Solution-based Electrolyte
- Corrosion Behavior of Dental Alloys in Various Types of Electrolyzed Water
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- Application of Electrolyzed Acid Water to Sterilization of Denture Base Part 1.Examination of Sterilization Effects on Resin Plate
- Analysis of methanogens in the bovine rumen by polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism
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- Monitoring the Land Surface Changes of Djibouti Using LANDSAT Images
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- The Efficiency and Improvement of Simple Distillation Device by Solar Energy
- 太陽放射エネルギーを利用した蒸留について
- Purification and Characterization of Corrinoid-Compounds from the Dried Powder of an Edible Cyanobacterium, Nostoc commune (Ishikurage)
- 23382 PC鋼材の付着すべりモデルが圧着型PCaPC部材の履歴復元力特性に与える影響(設計・解析法,構造IV)
- 近畿支部
- Expectations on Software Defined Radio (SDR) in Standardization Fora on Future Mobile Communication Systems(Software Defined Radio Technology and Its Applications)
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- The Characteristics of Rainfall in the Republic of Djibouti (Proceedings of the International Conference on Desert Technology 4) -- (The World′s Arid Areas--Global and Regional Assessment of the Past,Present and Future)
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- Occurrence of 5'-Deoxyadenosylcobalamin and Its Physiological Function as the Coenzyme of Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase in a Marine Eukaryotic Microorganism, Schizochytrium limacinum SR21
- Occurrence of Pseudovitamin B_ and Its Possible Function as the Cofactor of Cobalamin-Dependent Methionine Synthase in a Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803
- Characterization of a Corrinoid Compound in the Edible (Blue-Green) Alga, Suizenji-nori
- Occurrence of Coenzyme Forms of Vitamin B_ in a Cultured Purple Laver (Porphyla yezoensis)(Food & Nutrition Sience)
- Purification and Characterization of Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase from a Methanol-Utilizing Bacterium, Methylobacterium extorquens NR-1
- Uptake and physiological function of vitamin B_ in a photosynthetic unicellular coccolithophorid alga, Pleurochrysis carterae(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- Effects of Shearing Force in Surface Runoff on Nutrient Losses from Chemical and Organic Fertilizers
- Characterization and Bioavailability of Vitamin B_-Compounds from Edible Algae
- Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Seismic Performance of Cantilever Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Varying Transverse and Axial Loads(Building Structures and Materials)
- 23181 Experimental study on real scale columns under vertical and lateral loadings (Part 2)
- 23180 Experimental study on real scale columns under vertical and lateral loadings (Part 1)
- Reclamation of Saline Soil in Northeastern Thailand Using a Solar-Powered Pump to Control Groundwater Levels
- Relationship between Vegetation and Topography for an Erosion Management in Ethiopia
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- Antioxidant Activity of the Phycoerythrobilin Compound Formed from a Dried Korean Purple Laver (Porphyra sp.) during in Vitro Digestion
- Soil Erosion and Rainfall Characteristics in Bertam River Watershed, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
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- GIS and USLE integration for soil erosion assessment in East Shewa, Ethiopia
- 散在性反復配列を用いた飼料中の動物由来DNAの検出法
- Characterization and Bioavailability of Vitamin B_-Compounds from Edible Algae
- 育成前期乳牛の生理および窒素・エネルギー代謝に及ぼす高温高湿の影響
- Characterization of Corrinoid Compounds from Edible Cyanobacterium Nostochopsis sp.
- Purification and Characterization of Phycobiliproteins from Edible Cyanobacterium Nostochopsis sp.
- Developing the Monitoring Method for Plant Water Stress Using Spectral Reflectance Measurement
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- The Prevention Methods of Leak and Evaporation for Consecutive Water Reservoir
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- Current Situation and Issues on Agriculture of Afghanistan
- Purification and Characterization of Phycobiliproteins from Edible Cyanobacterium Nostochopsis sp.
- The Possibility to Adapt the Shaft Tillage Cultivation Method to Arid Land Farming
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- Effect of Atmospheric Pressure on Evaporation in Central Ethiopia
- Evaluating the Consumptive Water Use of Teff in Consideration of Soil Water Movement in Central Ethiopia
- Estimating the Volume of Surface Runoff from in Situ Measured Soil Sorptivity
- Characterization of Vitamin B12 Compounds in the Wild Edible Mushrooms Black Trumpet (Craterellus cornucopioides) and Golden Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)
- 放射性セシウムを含む玄米配合飼料を給与したブタ体組織における放射性セシウム濃度
- 22105 実大プレストレスト集成材梁のクリープ挙動に関する実験的研究(鉛直振動・クリープ,構造III,2012年度大会(東海)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)
- 3076 杭基礎によって支持される曲げ降伏型RC造連層耐震壁のマクロモデルを用いた変形機構の解明(耐震壁)
- 3038 超高強度鉄筋コンクリート柱の長期圧縮特性に関する考察(柱)
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