Cloning, Expression, and Characterization of a Cellulase Gene from Prevotella ruminicola
田島 清
TAJIMA Kiyoshi
National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science
Tajima Kiyoshi
Division Of Biomaterials Department Of Oral Functional Reconstruction Kyushu Dental Collage
田島 清
National Institute Of Livestock And Grassland Science
OGATA Koretsugu
Nagamine T
Staff‐inst. Tsukuba‐shi Jpn
Nagamine Takafumi
Nagamine Takafumi
Staff Institute
Ogata K
Staff‐inst. Tsukuba‐shi Jpn
Ogata Koretsugu
Ogata Koretsugu
Staff Institute
Ogata Koretsugu
Rumen Microbiology Research Team Staff-institute
TAJIMA Kiyoshi
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois
BENNO Yoshimi
Rumen Microbiology Research Team, STAFF-Institute
Nakamura Matsumi
Rumen Microbiology Research Team Staff-institute
Benno Yoshimi
Riken Saitama Jpn
Benno Yoshimi
Microbe Division/japan Collection Of Microorganisms Riken Bio Resource Center
Tajima K
Division Of Biomaterials Department Of Oral Functional Reconstruction Kyushu Dental Collage
Aminov Roustam
Department Of Animal Sciences University Of Illinois At Urbana-champaign
Benno Yoshimi
Rumen Microbiology Research Team Staff-institute
Benno Yoshimi
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Benno Yoshimi
Japan Collection Of Microorganisms (jcm)
Nakamura Mayumi
Department Of Biotechnology The University Of Tokyo
Benno Yoshimi
Japan Collection Of Microorganisms Riken Bioresource Center
Benno Y
Microbe Division/japan Collection Of Microorganisms Riken Bio Resource Center
Aminov R
Mie Univ. Tsu Jpn
Matsui H
Rumen Microbiology Research Team Staff-institute
Nakamura M
Rumen Microbiology Research Team Staff-institute
Matsui Hiroki
Staff Institute
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