日本沙漠学会 | 論文
- Effectiveness of Solar Pumping System in the Wadi Agriculture in Northern East Africa (APCSEET2013)
- Variation in Response to Salt Stress at Seedling and Maturity Stages among Durum Wheat Varieties (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- Physiological Response of Diverse Origin Spring Safflower Genotypes to Salinity (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- Salinity Tolerance Evaluation of Asian Barley Accessions (Hordeum vulgare L.) at the Early Vegetative Stage (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- Land Application of Municipal Wastewater to Desert Ecosystems : Case Studies Identifying Risks and Opportunities (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- Effects of Saline Irrigation on Four Native Texas Plant Species with Ornamental Potential for Coastal and Arid Climate Landscapes (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- Clonal Multiplication of Multipurpose Desert Tree Azadirachta indica-Neem (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- Controlling Land Degradation Using Environmentally Friendly Materials : The Case of Kuwait (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- Threats to Agriculture Lands at Al-Wafra, Southern Part of Kuwait (DESERT TECHNOLOGY 11 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE)
- ジブチにおけるWorldView-2およびLandsat-8を用いた流域地表面情報収集 (小特集 沙漠工学分科会第28回講演会)
- アグロパストラルによる遊牧民の干ばつレジリエンスの向上 : ジブチでの実証的調査より (小特集 沙漠工学分科会第28回講演会)
- タクラマカン沙漠を起源とする黄砂の長距離輸送について
- 大気ダストの発生源物質とその性状 : 発生源特定の地球化学的アプローチとその視点
- Mini Solar Power Station Appropriate Energy Power Source for Desert
- 第9回国際土壌保全会議に出席して
- 東アジアにおける黄沙の発生と地表面状態の関係
- Keynote Address--Landuser Participation in the Development of Technology for Sustainable Use of Arid Areas (Proceedings of the International Conference on Desert Technology 4) -- (Challenges for the Future)
- Keynote Address--New Technologies for Sustainable Production in Arid Areas (Proceedings of the International Conference on Desert Technology 4) -- (New Technologies for Sustainable Production in Arid Areas)
- ブラジルアマゾン地域での学際的研究 : 大学による持続的農村開発活動と国際共同研究の将来展望 (小特集 日本沙漠学会2013年度秋季シンポジウム)
- 中国河西回廊の草原荒廃地における蒸発散量