Synthesis of Amphiphilic Chitopentaose and Chitoheptaose Derivative Using a Common Disaccharidic Synthon as the Chain Elongation Unit
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Chemical Society of Japanの論文
- 2000-01-15
Department of Functional Materials Science, Saitama University
Department of Functional Materials Science, Saitama University
Hinou Hiroshi
Department Of Functional Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Saiitama University
照沼 大陽
ESUMI Yasuaki
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, RIKEN
照沼 太陽
Terunuma Daiyo
Department Of Functional Materials Science Saitama University
KUZUHARA Hiroyoshi
Department of Functional Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
UMINO Atsusi
Department of Functional Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Saiitama University
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Umino Atsusi
Department Of Functional Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Saiitama University
Esumi Y
Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
Esumi Yasuaki
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Esumi Yasuaki
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Matsuoka Koji
Department Of Functional Moterials Science Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Matsuoka Koji
Department Of Cardiology Matsusaka Central General Hospital
Kuzuhara H
Department Of Functional Moterials Science Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Takahashi S
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Kuzuhara Hiroyoshi
Department Of Engineering Saitama University
Matsuoka Koji
Department Of Bilogical Science Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Umino Atsushi
Department of Functional Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Saiitama University
Terunuma Daiyo
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
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