Seki Tatsuji | The International Center For Biotechnology Osaka University
Seki Tatsuji
The International Center For Biotechnology Osaka University
SEKI Tatsuji
The International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University
Fujiyama Kazuhito
The International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University
Fujiyama Kazuhito
The International Center For Biotechnology Osaka Univ. 2-1 Yamada-oka Suita Osaka 565-0871 Jpn
SEKI Tatsuji
International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University
Fujiyama Kazuhito
International Center For Biotechnology Osaka Univ.
Fujiyama Kazuhito
Department Of Fermentation Technology Osaka University
Fujiyama Kazuhito
International Center For Biotechnology Osaka University
Seki Tatsuji
International Center For Biotechnology Osaka University
Kazuhito Fujiyama
International Center For Biotechnology Osaka University
- Glycoproteins Secreted from Suspension-cultured Tobacco BY2 Cells have Distinct Glycan Structures from Intracellular Glycoproteins(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Identification of Putative Gene Encoded on ORF16 of the 81 kb Contig of Arabidopsis thaliana Chromosome III as α-Mannosidase
- Structures of N-Linked Oligosaccharides of Glycoproteins from Tobacco BY2 Suspension Cultured Cells
- 1330 Structures of N-linked Glycoproteins from Tobacco BY2 Suspension Cultured Cells
- In Planta Production of Immunogenic Poliovirus Peptide Using Tobacco Mosaic Virus-Based Vector System(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Human N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase I. : Expression in Escherichia coli as a Soluble Enzyme, and Application as an Immobilized Enzyme for the Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of N-Linked Oligosaccharides
- Cloning and characterization of cytidine monophosphate-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate synthetase from Arabidopsis thaliana(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- N-Linked Glycan Structures of a Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Produced from Tobacco BY2 Suspension-Cultured Cells(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Characterization of Almond α-Mannosidase and Its Application for Structure Analysis of Sugar Chain(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Effect of αl, 2-Mannosidic Linkage Located in α1, 3-Branch of Man6GlcNAc2 Oligosaccharide on Enzyme Activity of Recombinant Human Man_9-Mannosidase Produced in Escherichia coli