- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese cedar pollinosis has been increasing in its incidence year by year and is now one of the most common pollinoses in Japan. Cases of Japanese cedar pollinoses are also many in Wakayama Prefecture.<BR>With intention to elucidate the nature of Japanese cedar pollinosis in Wakayama area, we have been doing the following studies in recent years: 1) Epidemiological study using Japanese cedar RAST (Radioallergosorbent test),2) Measurement of the number of Japanese cedar pollens in the air, and 3) Immunological study of Japanese cedar specific IgG and its subclass antibodies on many clinical cases.<BR>The results show the incidence of RAST positivity is 16.6% in the general public of Wakayama Prefecture, and it is higer in mountainous areas than in littoral areas, and also higer in the southern parts of the prefecture where plantation areas of Japanese cedar tress are wider.<BR>The pollens tend to appear in the air first in the south, and are greater in number in Shingu City and Hashimoto City while they are not so many in Wakayama City. The number changes in a two-year cycle and there is a good correlation between the number of the pollens and the yearly incidence of the pollinosis. The statistical analysis of the measured number of pollens in the air and meteorological data was done to forecast the number of pollens in the future. But no good method of forecast has been developed probably due to insufficiency of data we have obtained.<BR>In the study of incidence of positivity of Japanese cedar RAST and measurement of specific IgG and subclass antibodies, it is shown that the incidence of RAST positve subjects is highest in the age bracket of 20 to 30 years and is lower with increasing age. However, the amount of specific IgG and total IgG increases with aging. This result is of interest in view of the presence of a highest incidence of the pollinosis in a particular age bracket and the phenomenon of natural subsidence of the disease in individuals.<BR>Based on our studies on this disease in Wakayama Prefecture with the comparison of studies of other Japanese researchers, our opinion on the coutermeasures is also stated.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
横山 道明
中西 弘
榎本 雅夫
田端 敏秀
榎本 雅夫
岩橋 大介
寒川 高男
- 114 Association betweenatopic asthma/rhinitis and FcεRIβ in Japanese population
- 295 頭頚部癌患者にみられた肺悪性腫瘍に対する治療成績の検討
- 208 スギ花粉症の自然治癒
- 口腔咽頭領域カルチノイド例
- 302 鼻アレルギー患者家庭内のダニ抗原量の測定 : 第3報
- W93. スギ花粉症に対するベクロメタゾン(アルデシン)の予防効果
- W69. スギとヒノキ花粉の共通抗原性
- 示-50 主気管支異物除去後に発症した片側再膨張性肺水腫の 2 症例(気道異物・肉芽腫)
- 127 SISTによるヒノキ特異IgEの測定
- 555 鼻アレルギーに対するHD急速減感作療法
- 229 鼻アレルギー患者における新しい特異IgE抗体測定法の臨床的意義
- 170 D.P.特異的IgG抗体およびそのsubclassについて
- 5 アレルギー性鼻炎患者におけるMASTの臨床的意義の検討 : RAST, 皮膚テストおよび誘発テストとの相関
- 432 小児期の血清IgEの正常値について : CAP IgE FEIA (ファルマシア) による検討
- 偏光顕微鏡による真珠腫性中耳炎患者耳漏のコレステリン結晶(Cholesterin crystal)の研究
- 頭頸部悪性腫瘍に対する血液吸着法を併用した : 一時的動脈閉塞下抗癌剤動注療法
- 動注化学療法が奏功した口唇癌の2例
- Two Cases of Pharyngeal Disorder with Lymphocyte Proliferation.
- 聴器悪性腫瘍の4症例
- 甲状腺原発のadenoacanthomaの1例
- 鼻アレルギークリニックの現況 (当科における鼻アレルギークリニックの成績-1〜4-)
- 鼻中隔に発生した混合腫瘍の1症例
- 嗅神経芽細胞腫の多剤併用動注療法著効例
- 悪性腫瘍の免疫学的アプロ-チ-9-51Cr-release cytotoxicity assayを用いた頭頚部悪性腫瘍患者のnatural cell-mediated cytotoxicityについて
- 悪性腫瘍の免疫学的アプロ-チ-2-Macrophage-Migration Inhibition Test(MIT)の応用
- 耳鼻咽喉科感染症に対するバナン錠の検討
- 顎下部に発生した悪性間葉腫malignant mesenchymomaの1症例
- 悪性腫瘍の免疫学的アプロ-チ-4-治療経過からみた担癌患者末梢血リンパ球のHeterogeneityについて--E,IgMEAC,IgGEA結合性リンパ球の動態とScanning Electron Microscopy(SEM)による膜構造
- 耳下腺部に発生した石灰化上皮腺の1症例
- 悪性腫瘍の免疫学的アプロ-チ-1-担癌患者のT,B cellの動態とPPD皮内反応を中心として
- 鼻腔にみられた好酸球肉芽腫の1例とその治癒機転に対する考察
- 興味ある経過を辿ったCavernous sinus thrombophlebitisの一剖検例
- 脳腫瘍を合併した喉頭ノイリノームの1例
- 扁桃マッサージとASL-O値
- 鼻腔に発生したHemangiopericytomaの1症例
- 鼻腔,咽頭にみられた先天性梅毒の一例
- 耳介に発生した巨大な搏動性血管腫の1例
- 当科〔和歌山赤十字病院耳鼻咽喉科〕におけるめまい外来の現況について
- 上顎癌とIgG骨髄腫の合併した1症例
- 頭頚部悪性腫瘍患者NK細胞のcytotoxicityにおよぼすinterferon(IFN)の影響
- 樹木花粉と鼻アレルギ-
- 新生児頸部奇形腫の一症例
- Loudness Growth of Patient with Deafness. Examined with LGOB Test.:-Examined with LGOB Test-
- 顔面神経原発と思われる側頭骨内Neurilemmomaの1例
- ダニ(D.F.)特異的IgG抗体の測定--抗原結合ポリスチレンチュ-ブを用いるradioimmunoassay
- 悪性腫瘍の免疫学的アプロ-チ-6-OK432(ピシバニ-ル)の担癌生体の免疫能におよぼす影響
- MRI in head and neck.
- Immunochemotherapy for Tonsillar Cancer.
- An immunological identification of anti-cefotiam antibodies.
- Reconstruction with microvascular tissue transfer after ablation of head and neck cancer.
- Pleomorphic adenoma of nasal septum; A report of two cases.
- Syphilis of the inner ear causing fluctuating hearing loss responsive to steroid therapy.
- Clinical evaluation of AA-673 tablets in patients with refrectory perannial nasal allergy.
- Tree pollen and nasal allergy. VI. Relationship between age and positive RAST reactions to Japanese cedar pollen.:-Relationship between Age and Positive RAST Reactions to Japanese Cedar Pollen-
- Tree pollen and nasal allergy. (XIII). Distribution of Japanese cedar pollen in Wakayama and southern Osaka in 1988.:-Distribution of Japanese Cedar Pollen in Wakayama and Southern Osaka in 1988-
- Pre-seasonal treatment of cedar pollinosis with histamine-gammaglobulin conjugate (Histaglobin, HG).
- 悪性腫瘍に対する免疫学的アプローチ(第一報)
- Primary Malignant Neoplasm of the Sphenoid Sinus; A Report of Three Cases.
- タイトル無し
- Histiocytosis-X of Temporal Bone; A Case Report.
- Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor-Producing Spindle Cell Carcinoma of Maxillary Sinus.
- 突発性難聴に対する抗ウイルス剤の点滴静注療法の検討
- Neonatal lymphangioma. A case report.:-A Case Report-
- A case of bilateral simultaneous facial palsy.
- A Report of Meningioma Extending to the Middle Ear.
- Localization of Interleukin-1.ALPHA., .BETA. in Cholesteatomatous Epithelium.
- 鼻アレルギー患者の問診所見に関する臨床統計 (当科における鼻アレルギークリニックの成績-1〜4-)
- Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
- Synchronous reconstruction of the face and hard plate after total maxillectomy in two patients.
- Malignant parotid tumor in a child.
- 樹木花粉と鼻アレルギー(第4報)-和歌山赤十字病院屋上における飛散樹木花粉-
- A case of branchiogenic carcinoma.
- Otitis media with effusion and endotoxin.
- 聴器癌腫二症例
- Changes in clinical symptoms and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus specific IgG antibodies during house dust hyposensitization therapy.
- 舌根部 喉頭蓋谷腫瘍切除術-midline translingual approachによる-
- Clinical effect of AA-673 tablets in allergic rhinitis.
- A case of tracheal adenoid cystic carcinoma with special reference to tracheal mobilization.
- A case of tonsillar tuberculosis.
- Concentration of cefuzonam in otorrhea discharge.
- タイトル無し
- Malignant fibrous histiocytoma in a maxillary cavity 20 years after surgery and radiation therapy; A case report.
- Assay of DP-specific IgG antibody using ELISA.
- 扁桃病巣感染症:掌瞭膿庖症について
- 頭頸部癌における免疫療法の意義:rIL-2局所投与の検討を中心として
- 扁桃リンパ球の分布と機能
- 扁桃の免疫組織化学:ことに扁桃上皮のMHC-II抗原とリンパ球を中心に
- 扁桃陰窩の電子顕微鏡学的研究
- 微小血管吻合による頭頸部癌摘出後の再建
- 中耳,内耳の局所免疫応答
- 和歌山県におけるスギ花粉症の現状と対策
- 口蓋扁桃の病態と血管構築
- 滲出性中耳炎貯留液の免疫学的性状