- 論文の詳細を見る
Viral infection seems to be the most common cause of sudden deafness. In the context, thinking that an antiviral agent might be effective against sudden deafness of unknown etiology. We used an antiviral agent, acyclovir, in addition to conventional palliative therapy, to treat 89 patients with sudden deafness of unknown etiology. They were divided into 3 groups, Group A received steroids and acyclovir, Group B acyclovir only, and Group C steroid only. The nonspecific treatments were the same in all three groups. Outpatients received 250mg of acyclovir by i. v, infusion for one hour per day for 7 days, and inpatients received 250mg every 8 hours for 7 days.Audiometric tests with standard pure sound were performed just before treatment and twice a week during treatment against Herpes simplex virus, Varicella zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus, Cytomegalovirus and Mumps virus were determined.The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated by the following parameters: auditory capacity before treatment, difference of therapeutic effect between inpatients and outpatients, vestibular symptoms, age and sex of patients, tinnitus, and stellate ganglion block. No significant improvement of auditory capacity was found in any of these parameters. We conclude that acyclovir is ineffective against sudden deafness. It seems more important to try to save the damaged cells than to suppress the growth of the virus.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- 114 Association betweenatopic asthma/rhinitis and FcεRIβ in Japanese population
- 208 スギ花粉症の自然治癒
- 口腔咽頭領域カルチノイド例
- W93. スギ花粉症に対するベクロメタゾン(アルデシン)の予防効果
- 示-50 主気管支異物除去後に発症した片側再膨張性肺水腫の 2 症例(気道異物・肉芽腫)
- 229 鼻アレルギー患者における新しい特異IgE抗体測定法の臨床的意義
- 170 D.P.特異的IgG抗体およびそのsubclassについて
- 5 アレルギー性鼻炎患者におけるMASTの臨床的意義の検討 : RAST, 皮膚テストおよび誘発テストとの相関
- 432 小児期の血清IgEの正常値について : CAP IgE FEIA (ファルマシア) による検討
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- 耳下腺部に発生した石灰化上皮腺の1症例
- 悪性腫瘍の免疫学的アプロ-チ-1-担癌患者のT,B cellの動態とPPD皮内反応を中心として
- 当科〔和歌山赤十字病院耳鼻咽喉科〕におけるめまい外来の現況について
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- 樹木花粉と鼻アレルギ-
- Loudness Growth of Patient with Deafness. Examined with LGOB Test.:-Examined with LGOB Test-
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- 悪性腫瘍の免疫学的アプロ-チ-6-OK432(ピシバニ-ル)の担癌生体の免疫能におよぼす影響
- An immunological identification of anti-cefotiam antibodies.
- Pleomorphic adenoma of nasal septum; A report of two cases.
- Clinical evaluation of AA-673 tablets in patients with refrectory perannial nasal allergy.
- Tree pollen and nasal allergy. VI. Relationship between age and positive RAST reactions to Japanese cedar pollen.:-Relationship between Age and Positive RAST Reactions to Japanese Cedar Pollen-
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- Pre-seasonal treatment of cedar pollinosis with histamine-gammaglobulin conjugate (Histaglobin, HG).
- 悪性腫瘍に対する免疫学的アプローチ(第一報)
- Primary Malignant Neoplasm of the Sphenoid Sinus; A Report of Three Cases.
- 突発性難聴に対する抗ウイルス剤の点滴静注療法の検討
- Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
- Synchronous reconstruction of the face and hard plate after total maxillectomy in two patients.
- Malignant parotid tumor in a child.
- 樹木花粉と鼻アレルギー(第4報)-和歌山赤十字病院屋上における飛散樹木花粉-
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- Clinical effect of AA-673 tablets in allergic rhinitis.
- A case of tonsillar tuberculosis.
- Concentration of cefuzonam in otorrhea discharge.
- Assay of DP-specific IgG antibody using ELISA.
- 和歌山県におけるスギ花粉症の現状と対策