Synchronous reconstruction of the face and hard plate after total maxillectomy in two patients.
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Synchronous reconstruction of the defect of the face and hard palate afterr maxillectomy was performed with free myocutaneous flaps. A 58-year-old male and a 65-year-old male were treated for maxillary cancer (T4N0) with total maxillectomy and resection of facial skin (include the orbital contents in the latter case). The defects were reconstructed synchronously with two types of free myocutaneous flap: rectus abdominis (the former case), latissimus dorsi (the latter case). They were able to eat two weeks after surgery and did not suffer from speech disturbance. The greatest advantage of using free myocutaneous flaps for such reconstruction is the availability of enough muscle to fill the dead space and sufficient skin and the chief disadvantage is the risk of herniation after removal of the rectus abdominis.
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