- 論文の詳細を見る
Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris (PPP) is a skin disease caused by focal infection of the tonsil and tonsillectomy is the best treatment. However, the actual mechanism of the development of PPP and the role of the tonsil as the focal site are still unclear.<BR>Recently various researches with immunological approaches suggest that the disease may develop when tonsillar lymphocytes are sensitized with epithelial antigen of the ton- sillar crypt, which has features common to that of skin tissue, in the course of chronic inflammation.<BR>In order to clarify the relationship between the tonsils and PPP, immunological investigations were performed focusing on keratin and anti-keratin antibody. As materials, the tonsils, plantar skins and peripheral blood from the patients with PPP undergoing tonsillectomy were used. The results were summarized as follows:<BR>1. Common keratin polypeptides reacting with monoclonal anti-keratin antibody were found both in the tonsillar epithelium and in the plantar skin.<BR>2. High molecular weight keratin polypeptides were predominant in the tonsillar epithelium of the patients with PPP as in the plantar skin.<BR>3. The antikeratin antibody titers in the sera of the patients with PPP were high level, and tended to decrease after tonsillectomy.<BR>4. The antibody in the sera of the patients with PPP reacted with 67,63 and 56 kd bands of keratin polypeptides.<BR>5. The antikeratin antibody titers in the culture medium of the patients with PPP, especially in the tonsillar lymphocyte cultures, were high level.<BR>These results suggest the possibility that the keratin of the tonsillar epithelium and the anti-keratin antibody in the serum may play an important role for the pustule formation.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
九鬼 清典
和歌山県立医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
林 泰弘
國本 優
田端 敏秀
田端 敏秀
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- Immunochemotherapy for Tonsillar Cancer.
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- タイトル無し
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