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Hoffer has reported good results using the split anterior tibial tendon transfer for spastic pes equino-varus. His good results encouraged us to perform this procedure on five feet in three cases of spastic pes equino-varus.Recently we applied this split transfer to replapsed congenital club foot with attenuated peroneus muscles (8 cases, 11 feet), and also paralytic equino-varus foot caused by Polio with preserved anterior tibial muscle.We devised a method to suture the split tendon to Peroneus brevis near its insertion instead of Hoffer's procedure which anchored the tendon to the bored os cuboides.We believe this is easier and less destructive.All cases with club foot obtained remarkable improvements of X-Ray findings, appearance and gait. Three were rated as excellent; four, good; and three, fair.To obtain better results in club foot, complete correction of the three main deforming elements is mandatory before or at the time of split transfer.Improvement was obtained in spastic equino-varus and Polio cases, however, it is difficult to determine the proper balance of split tendon against the flexors.
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