Histological Analysis of Local Aggressiveness in Extra-abdominal Desmoid Tumors.
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We analyzed ten cases of extra-abdominal desmoid tumor (EAD) seen in the past ten years. Histologically two groups were classified ; an "immature cell group" characterized by predominant proliferation of plump nucleated tumor cells with poor interstitial collagen, or a "mature cell group" characterized by predominant proliferation of mature spindle nucleated tumor cells rich in collagen matrix. In the immature cell group, the patient's age ranged from 10-20 years (average 14.0 years), while in the mature cell group, patient's ranged in age from 33-51 years (average 40.6 years). Recurrence of two cases out of five (40%) was found in the immature cell group, while there were no recurrent cases in the mature cell group. Occurrence of mitosis seen in histological specimens was significantly high in the immature cell group (two to five per 100 high power fields, average 3.2±0.447) compared to the mature cell group (zero to three, average 1.0±1.732). It is suggested that histologically the immature type of EAD occurs at a younger age and is more locally aggressive.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
井上 治
半澤 浩明
大城 亙
新垣 宜貞
島袋 博之
戸田 隆義
茨木 邦夫
琉球大学医学部 整形外科
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