Aluminum-related osteomalacia in renal osteodystrophy.
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Histomorphometric analysis of trabecular bone was performed on seven patients (three men and four women), who were treated by long term-hemodialysis due to renal failure.It showed histological features of osteomalacia and osteitis fibrosa simultaneously. Relative osteoid volume was increased, percent tetracycline labelled surface was greatly reduced, and greater part of osteoid surface was stained by aluminon. The number of osteoclast per unit surface was increased.In conclusion, deposition of aluminum on bone surfaces causes osteomalacia in the patients of long-term hemodialysis.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
井上 治
高良 宏明
友利 昭夫
呉屋 勲
乗松 尋道
琉球大学医学部 整形外科
上里 智美
琉球大学医学部 整形外科
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