Intrinsic Plus Contracture of the Hand
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The entity of intrinsic plus contracture of the hand was first described by Bunnell and he termed it "ischemic contracture, local, in the hand".Though it is uncommon, we have often experienced this contracture as a sequela of Habu snake bite.During past four years, we have experienced 19 cases 20 hands of intrinsic plus contracture due to Habu snake bite, which was quite characteristic and different from due to ischemia.We concluded that degree of contracture was severe in digit which was close to bitten site and contructured digit was deviated toward bitten site.Theoretically it is considered that complete releasing of intrinsic muscles makes claw-hand, and Harris emphasized transverse fibers of intrinsic muscle must be preserved.But in our experience, if the contructure is severe and passive hyperextension of M. P. joint is limited, even tranverse fibers and volar capsule of M. P. joint must be released.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
高良 宏明
石田 寛友
嘉陽 宗俊
茨木 邦夫
井上 治
真栄城 正治
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