Two Cases of Thoracic Herniation Associated with Ossification of the Yellow Ligament.
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we experienced two cases of thoracic disc herniation associated with ossification of the yellow ligament (OYL).Case 1 A 68-year-old male, who presented with muscle weakness of the lower limbs and gait disability was diagnosed as having Th9/10 disc herniation associated with Th9-11 OYL. Th9-11 laminectomy and transdural removal of Th9/10 disc was performed. In spite of temporary progression of muscle weakness just after surgery, he resumed full gait function.Case 2 A 45-year-old male with gait disturbance due to Th9-12 OYL was treated with Th9-12 laminectomy. Gait function improved after surgery, but recurred one year later. MRI revealed newly-formed Th9/10 disc herniation, and anterior decompression and fusion were performed at Th9/10.After the second operation almost full recovery of gait function was gained.
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