Three Cases of Spinal Vascular Disorders with Negative Angiography.
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We experienced three cases of spinal vascular disorders showing negative angiographic findings.Case 1: A 15-year-old female had two paraplegic attacks with spontaneous remission after the first attack. Intraspinal hemorrhage was speculated because of a chronological change in her MR imaging. Two selective angiographies did not reveal any pathological findings. Surgery was done after the second attack which had resulted in severe paraplegia. Intraspinal hemorrhage without any abnormal vessels was found and was evacuated. Paraplegia improved markedly.Case 2: A 28-year-old female showed staggering gait due to a deep sensation disturbance. Case 3: A 34-year-old female developed numbness in her left lower extremity. In both cases, a spinal vascular disorder was strongly suspected by MR imaging, but selective angiography did not reveal any positive findings.Possible reasons why selective angiography failed to show any pathological findings include the failure to hit feeder arteries, no arterial component in the vascular disorder and a vascular disorder that was too small to detect.Spinal vascular disorders may show a similar clinical course to multiple sclerosis. Using sequential MR imaging and MR imaging enhanced with Gd-DTPA, intraspinal hemorrhage can be distinguished from multiple sclerosis.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
高良 宏明
茨木 邦夫
上原 邦彦
屋良 哲也
伊佐 真徳
佐藤 栄
棚原 豊
金城 幸雄
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