Three cases of femoral neck tumor different from benign fibrous histiocytoma or non-ossifying fibroma.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Three adult cases of femoral neck tumor with prominent sclerotic margin and central lytic lesion were presented. Histologically the case 1 (25-year-old male) showed plenty of foamy cells, the case 2 (59-year-old female) fibrous cicatric tissue, and the case 3 (66-year-old female) foamy cells and storiform pattern of spindle cells in femoral lesion or foamy cells under degeneration in acetabular lesion. All of the cases were diagnosed feasibly as long standing fibrous dysplasia for their heigher age, lack of clinical symptoms, bony sclerosis and histological degenerative appearance.
井上 治
伊藤 悦男
吉川 朝昭
富山 聡
茨木 邦夫
琉球大学医学部 整形外科
乗松 尋道
琉球大学医学部 整形外科
仲間 健
仲間 健
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