The rupture of the subhcutaneous extensor tendon of the finger secondary to Kienboeck's disease.
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We reported two cases of subcataneous extensor tendon rupture in the finger secondary to kienböck's desease, and studied the anatomic relationship of the lunate and extensor tendons.The two patients were sixty-three-years old and forty-five-years old respectively. Radiographs showed stage IV kienböck desease by Takada's classification. Both ruptures occured in the ring finger.In thirty hands in fifteen cadavers the middle and ring extensor tendons were on the lunate in a high percentage, and the tendency to rupture the tendons in chinical cases was associated with this anotomic relationship.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
常岡 武久
大久保 喬志
平野 英二
今村 宏太郎
井上 廣
蔡 慶隆
渡辺 整
長谷 芳文
大久保 喬志
常岡 武久
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