Two Cases of Traumatic Radio-Ulnar Synostosis Treated by Excision and Free Fat Transplant.
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Two cases of traumatic radio-ulnar synostosis were treated by excision of the cross union and interposition of a free fat transplant.The first case, a 48-year-old woman developed a radio-ulnar synostosis in 20° supination after proximal radial and ulnar fractures. At 29 months post-operative follow-up, active range of motion was 10° pronation and 80° supination. There was no evidence of recurrence of the synostosis.The second case was a 32-year-old man who developed a radio-ulnar synostosis in neutral position after fractures of the proximal radius and ulna. At 19 months post-operative follow-up, active range of motion was 80° pronation and 70° supination. There was no evidence of recurrence of the synostosis.Computerised tomography was carried out at 19 months post-operatively, showing the fat to be still present.The functional result of the two cases was excellent, thus this is a successful method of treatment to use in such cases.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
常岡 武久
青柳 孝彦
古市 格
田代 直輔
前田 謙而
北川 守
宮崎 洋一
前田 謙而
国立嬉野病院 整形外科
常岡 武久
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