Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by an Aberrant Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle. A Case Report.:A Case Report
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Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by aberrant muscles are very rare. We recently saw a patient whose symptom was diagnosed as this disease caused by and aberrant flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) muscle.A thirteen-year-old girl presented with a swelling in both palms and complained of numbness and pain of both hands. On examination, there was painless, soft and oval shaped swelling in both palms.Findings at first operation: In the right hand, an accessory muscle was found lying near the FDS muscle belly form which it originated. It inserted on the FDS tendon of the index finger at the level of metacarpo-phalangeal joint.An accesory muscle was also found in the left hand. The FDS tendon of the index finger was replaced by this muscle belly. The transverse carpal ligament was incised on both sides.Seven months later, symptom recurred in the right. This right accesory muscle was excised at the second operation. No recurrence was noted after this re-operation.It was suggested that aberrant FDS muscle should be excised according to the bulk of muscle belly or the relationship between the accesory muscle and the median nerve.
木村 和也
平野 英二
河合 尚志
伊藤 和生
長谷 芳文
今村 宏太郎
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