Treatment of Anterior and Posterior Interosseous Nerve Palsies.
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We reviewed twelve cases of anterior interosseous nerve palsy and nine cases of posterior interosseous nerve palsy.In regard to recovery of muscle power, there was no significant difference between conservatively treated anterior interosseous nerve palsy cases and those treated by neurolysis. However conservative treatment posterior interosseous nerve palsy proved to be unsatisfactory.We consider that anterior interosseous nerve palsy can be treated conservatively, while neurolysis should be carried out immediately for posterior interosseous nerve palsy.
平野 英二
常岡 武久
吉原 由樹
伊藤 信之
長崎大学医学部 整形外科
長谷 芳文
今村 宏太郎
長崎大学医学部 整形外科
渡辺 毅
常岡 武久
島原温泉病院 整形外科
常岡 武久
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