Follow-up study of perilunate dislocation.
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We have treated 14 cases of perilunate dislocations. Twelve cases (3 perilunate dislocations, 5 transscaphoid perilunate dislocations and 4 lunate dislocations) were reexamined clinically and radiographically. All were males aged from 22 to 49 years. Two cases were reduced manually, and seven were reduced surgically. Proximal-raw carpectomy and arthrodesis were performed in one case respectively. Arthrodesis was attempted in one. The results of the treatment were as follows: seven good, four fair, and one poor results. Fresh cases, in which correct reduction was carried out, obtained good results.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
千葉 剛次
今村 宏太郎
常岡 武久
平野 英二
岡崎 威
常多 勝己
楢林 好隆
岡崎 威
平野 英二
今村 宏太郎
長崎大学医学部 整形外科
常岡 武久
島原温泉病院 整形外科
千葉 剛次
大村市立病院 整形外科
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