Ender Nailing of Humeral Fractures.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A study of closed intramedullary fixation of humeral fractures, using Ender nails, was performed on 10 cases for 3 years recently.As a result, almost cases were treated with the good evaluation.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
千葉 剛次
高木 信吾
矢次 登
宮近 信彦
渡辺 精一郎
青柳 潔
千葉 剛次
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- Ender Nailing of Humeral Fractures.
- :On the significance of the traction method
- Our experience in using the Ender nailing procedure for the fracture of the femur.
- An Unsuccessful Case of Hemireplacement of the Medial Knee with Tibial Sliding Osteotomy. A Large Defect-filling Method and the Possibility of a New Tibial Component.
- Dynamic Analysis of the Joint Motion of the Index Finger.