Dynamic Analysis of the Joint Motion of the Index Finger.
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The objective of this investigation was to estimate the motion of the finger while one finger joint was fixed.We studied the joint of the right index finger with electrogoniometers on eight volunteers.In the beginning the subjects performed 1Hz cyclic flexion and extension of the index finger without resistance. Following this test, the DIP joint was fixed at 0 and 45 degrees flexion, and the subjects performed finger motion.In the same way, the tests were carried out with the PIP and MP joints fixation. The movement of the three joints were recorded in the Pen Recorder and the Data Recorder.Result: In the PIP 0 degree fixation, the range of the DIP flexion was less than that of no resistance.When the PIP joint was fixed at 45 degrees flexion, the subjects moved their DIP joint to flexion more easily. In the DIP 45 degrees fixation, the movement to extension of the PIP joint was more difficult than that in the DIP non-fixation. We refer to the oblique retinacular ligament for the factor that correlates the movement of the DIP and PIP joints. The MP joint, however, showed independent movement while other joint was fixed.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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