Closed Pinning in Tibial Fractures.
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Recently, the idea of minimal invasive surgery (MIS) has spread among surgeons, with attention focusing on Ender's nailing developed for treatment of tibial fractures. We developed the technique of driving the nail from the fractured side of the tibia, and reduction is achieved by intermedullalry packing pins which are driven from the opposite direction. If the fracture line involved the ankle or knee joint, we additionally used percutaneous fixation with screw or K-wire. In the case of open fractures we used Ender nailing after skin damage and infection had healed. We treated 43 tibial fractures from 1987 through 1992 all of which healed without infection or non-union.
藤田 雅章
千葉 剛次
岩崎 勝郎
寺本 司
長崎大学医学部 整形外科
北原 博之
中村 智
千葉 剛次
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