Surgical Treatment using A One-Stage Anterior and Posterior Approach for Fracture-Dislocations and Fractures of the Cervical Spine.
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The usefulness of a one-stage surgical treatment with an anterior and posterior approach has been reported. We have surgically treated patients with spinal injuries using this one-stage technique, and report the clinical results.Eight patients, 7 males and 1 female, with a mean age of 50 years were treated types of injury included 7 fracture-dislocations and 1 burst fracture.Neurological findings at the first visit included complete paralysis in 3 cases, incomplete paralysis in 3 cases and no paralysis in 2 cases (According to Frankels classification, A in 3 cases, C in 1 case, D in 2 cases and E in 2 cases).Our method of surgical treatment involved first reduction, decompression and internal fixation using instruments in a posterior approach and then decompression and bone grafting using the anterior approach.Results of neurological findings showed that no cases worsened and 5 of 6 cases improved except one classified as an E type. Union of grafted bone was obtained in all cases. There were no post-operative complications except one case who was reoperated for displacement of the grafted bone and had a severe respiratory disorder.Improvement in the neurological findings were satisfactory and it was concluded that the one-stage anterior-posterior approach was beneficial for neurological recovery.
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