Prognosis of traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have treated 25 cases of traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip in our hospital between November 1972 and October 1988.20 patients were followed for at least 6 months; the range from 6 months to 16 years, with an average of 6.5 years. The age ranged from 6 to 53 years, with an average of 28 years.The dislocations were classified according to the criteria of Stewart and Milford.All 11 hips in which closed reduction was possible, had a good result.2 hips in the Grade III and Grade IV group which were reduced after 48 hours after injury had a poor result.We suspected the most important factor in determining the prognosis is the time from injury to reduction.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
本川 哲
大坪 義昌
松本 智子
国立長崎中央病院 整形外科
井上 喜博
秋山 寛治
国立長崎中央病院 整形外科
大坪 義昌
国立長崎中央病院 整形外科
本川 哲
国立長崎中央病院 整形外科
井上 喜博
井上 喜博
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