Brachial plexus palsy caused by traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the brachial artery.
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Traumatic pseudoaneurysm associated with nerve palsy is very rare in Japan. In this report a 22-year-old female who had right brachial plexus palsy caused by pseudoaneurysm of the brachial artery is described. On 20 Aug. 1982 she was injured in her right shoulder by a knife. About 5 hours after the injury, she had right radial nerve palsy but palsy of her other nerves was not seen. The pulsation of radial and uluar artery was palpable. About 1 month after the injury, when she started to exercise her shoulder, a pulsatile mass had appeared in her right shoulder. At that time, brachial plexus palsy occurred and progressed to complete palsy within a few days. Arteriography revealed an aneurysm of the barchial artery. On 14 Oct. 1982, the aneurysm was resected and the artery was repaired primarily without a graft. During surgery, there was no evidence of direct injury to the plexus. Three months after surgery, she had a near complete return of sensation but recovery of motor function was delayed. Seventeen months after surgery, complete return of neurologic function was noted.
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