Roentgenographical study on the tilting angle of the scapula in stiff and painful shoulder.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Roentgenographic examinations were carried out on 20 patients with stiff and painful shoulders. Ages ranged from 40 to 61 years. In resting position, two roentgenograms were taken at distance of one meter and two meters between the X-Ray film and the source. Following that, only one roentgenogram was taken at two positions respectively, 45° and maximum elevation, which was elevated in a plane of 40 aganst the frontal plane. The patients were classified into 2 groups according to the results of this examination.The patients were categorized as follows;Gropu 1: Eleven patients who was suffering for less than 2 months from onset.Group 2: Nine patients who was suffering for more than 2 months from onset.The angle of the scapula was as follows;The medially tilting angle was nearly equal between the affected side and unaffected side. The downward tilting angle of the affected side was larger than that of the unaffected side in group 1.The downward tilting angle of the affected side was smaller than that of the unaffected side in group 2. The upward rotation angle of the affected side was larger than that of the unaffected side in all cases.
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