The Results of Surgical Treatment of Spinal Tumors
- 論文の詳細を見る
Nine patients of spinal tumor were treated surgically from 1970 to 1980. Three cases of them originated in the intramedulla and six cases in the intradura-extramedulla. For all cases, laminectomy and total or partial resection of the tumor was carried out, except in one case (hemangioblastoma-suspect), in which the tumor could not be resected because of a large risk of bleeding. Histological diagnosis was made as follows except for one case:Schwannoma: 6 casesGanglioneuroma: 2 casesThe site of tumor was incervical spine: 3 casesthoracic spine: 4 caseslumbar spine: 2 casesPostoperative symptoms, such as gait and sensory disturbance, improved in all cases and the histological type and the site of tumor could not explain such good results.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
平野 徹
伊藤 信之
長崎大学医学部 整形外科
田中 宏和
中村 泰
鈴木 良平
長崎大学医学部 整形外科
平野 徹
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- The Results of Surgical Treatment of Spinal Tumors