Radiological analysis of osteophytes in the osteoarthritic femoral head.
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In order to know the developmental pattern and the role of the osteophytes in the osteoarthritic femoral head, surgically resected 71 femoral heads were cut into serial slices of 7 to 10mm thickness in a coronal plane and each central slice was radiographed. The shapes of the osteophytes were classified into three types, and characteristic features of the structure of the bone trabeculae in each type were studied.Type I: Small osteophyte. No trabeculae are found in the osteophytes.Type II: Pendant-like osteophytes. The trabeculae run perpendicular to the joint surface.Type III: Elephant's trunk osteophyte. The course of the trabeculae is not uniformal but rather complicated.The osteophytes would develop from type I to type II in most of the cases as the stage of osteoarthritis advances. In this process of the development, some osteophytes could function as the weight bearing area in the hip. This will be one of the significant roles of the osteophytes. However, this situation does not always continue permanently.The significans of type III of unique enlargement was difficult to evaluate from this series.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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