Mose's criteria as an assessment method for the radiological result of Perthes' disease.
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In this study, the usefulness of Mose's criteria for the radiological assessment of Perthes' disease was examined.22 patients with unilateral Perthes' disease providing 22 affected as well as 22 control femoral heads were reviewed radiologically at five and ten years from the onset of the condition. The sphericity of the heads were evaluated with Mose's criteria at both times and comparised to their chronological change. Two radiological parameters, Epiphyseal quotient (EQ) and Radius quotient (RQ), of each affected head were measured to show the relationship between Mose's rating and epiphyseal flattening as well as enlargement of the femoral head.It was found that the Mose's rating of both affected and control heads changed in several cases prior to ten years. A significant number of control heads exhibited less than a good result with the Mose's rating at the five year evaluation, however, almost all control heads at ten years were judged good, which suggested that this criteria should only be used after ten years from the onset of the disease.There was a correlation between Mose's rating and the values of EQ and RQ, however, Mose's rating could vary according to the definition of the range of the radiographic head to which the Mose's ring was applied.It was concluded that Mose's criteria was useful as an assessment method for the rediological result of Perthes' disease, however, it also had some problems in it's timing of assessment and measurment of details.
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