Intraosseous lipoma の診断-とくにCTの有用性について
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Two cases of intraosseous lipoma in the humerus and the ilium were reported with the review of literature. Intraosseous lipoma was extremely rare and its incidence was 0.12 per cent of the whole primary bone tumor. The diagnosis of this tumor was not easy by conventional radiographic findings. The CT values of intraosseous lipoma in previously reported 16 cases ranged from -40 to -132 and those in our cases from -102 and -50. A negative CT value shows that the contents of cystic tumor is composed of fatty tissue. Therefore, CT will be a most reliable method to differentiate intraosseous lipoma from other bone tumors with cystic appearances.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
平野 徹
吉良 秀秋
前田 公
貞松 俊弘
山田 正幸
岡崎 威
岡崎 威
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