Treatment of the hamulus fracture.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The fracture of the hook of the hamate is very rare. In Japan, about thirty cases have been reported. In most literatures, it is discussed on the mechanism of the injury, complications, and radiologic examination, but few discussion of the comparision with conservative and operative treatment is done. We experienced four cases, in which three were treated with excision of a fragment, and one case conservatively.Their follow-up period ranged from five to nineteen months. In operated cases, the recovery periods to occupation or sport were three weeks to three months and pain was free in all cases. Otherwise in the conservative case, pain disappeared after eighteen weeks but no bony uion was obtained in the roentgenogram during a follow-up period of eight months.Compared with conservative treatment, operative treatment has many advantages that early and certain functional recovery can be obtained, so that we recommend the operative treatment.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
平野 英二
今村 宏太郎
長谷 芳文
千綿 国彦
塚崎 智雄
管 尚義
諸岡 久夫
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