Fracture and dislocation of the trapezium - Report of three cases.:Report of Three Cases
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Three cases including a dorsal fracture-dislocation, a vertical fracture associated with fracture of the second metacarpal and an old complete volar dislocation are presented. The mechanism of these fractures is usually a direct blowon the wrist or a fall with the hyperextended hand in radial deviation. Our all cases were seen after violent, direct trauma.Slightly displaced vertical fracture may respond well to closed reduction and casting. Although for the severe fracture-dislocation or complete dislocation, it is believed that anatomical reduction and internal fixation are indicated to provide the earliest possible restoration of motion of thumb with the least possibility of subsequent traumatic arthritis and avascular necrosis.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
- 剣道少年の整形外科的スポーツ障害の実態調査
- 手関節のスポーツ障害
- 母指CM関節症-1-X線所見と臨床症状の検討 (手の外科の歩み--第26回日本手の外科学会から) -- (その他(一般講演))
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