- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to prove the validity of the propsed structure, 3, 4, 3'-trihydroxy-7', 8'-didehydro-β-carotene, for the new triol carotenoid from several kinds of bivalves; synthetically two diastereomers obtained by the NaBH4 reduction of pectenolone (3, 3'-dihydroxy-4-keto-7', 8'-didehydro-β-carotene) isolated from the gonad of the scallop were directly compared with the new natural triol. One of the two diastereomers was comlletely identical to the natural triol, and the configuration of 3, 4-vicinal diol was determined to be cis by the formation of its acetonide. Thus the structure for the new triol carotenoid was established to be 3, 4, 3'-trihydroxy-7', 8'-didehydro-β-carotene and the configuration of 3, 4-vicinal diol in the molecule was shown to be cis.
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