Spitz nevus の1例
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Spitz nevus is a rare form of benign melanocytic nevus, which is sometimes confused with malignant melanoma by the presence of bizarre nevus cells. We experienced such a difficult case.Our patient was a 15-year-old young man who suffered from a nodule on the left ankle joint. The greyish brown nodule was 8mm in diameter and grew rapidly during the past one year. Histopathologically, it showed features of a dermal nevus. The nevus cells were composed mainly of epithelioid cells. The cytoplasm was large and pleomorphic. The nucleus was atypical and occasionally showed multiplicity. In spite of the pleomorphism and loss of maturation, we diagnosed the tumor as a Spitz nevus because of the relative uniformity of tumor cell size, the sparcity of mitotic feature, the sparcity of melanin, the sharp lateral margins, and the symmetry of the architecture. In order to confirm the diagnosis, immunohistochemical studies were performed with anti-PCNA antibody and anti-P53 antibody. The result supported our estimation that the case was not malignant melanoma.
- 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会の論文
村住 昌彦
美唄労災病院 形成外科
吉田 哲憲
北海道大学 大学院医学研究科機能回復医学講座形成外科学分野
大河原 章
清原 隆宏
熊切 正信
西川 勝司
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