頬部に発生した primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the skin の1例
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A 65-year-old Japanese man presented with an asymptomatic tumor in his left cheek, apart from the parotid area. The tumor had slowly increased in size over fifteen years. In physical examination, a firm, 2 cm sized in diameter, subcutaneous nodule was observed. Dark red erythema without erosion was seen on the overlying skin (Fig. 1) . Regional lymph nodes and superficial lymph nodes on the body were not palpable. CT and ultrasonography of the face and neck revealed that the tumor was so clearly separated from the surrounding tissues not to suggest any invasion to muscles and bone and that there was no clear lymph node swelling in the face and neck. Further examinations including gastrointestinal fiberscopy, CT, and garium scintigraphy ruled out a metastatic tumor.Wide local excision was performed 5 cm apart from the tumor margin and on the periosteum of the zygoma and the fascias of the masseter and expression muscles. Because the zygomatic and buccal branches of the facial nerve were invaded, they were also excised with enough free margin. Pathological examination could not completely deny any residual tumor on the bottom of the excised specimen. Accordingly 2 weeks later, additional excision was done more 5 cm apart from the previous margin and involving the periosteum of the zygoma and a portion of the masseter and expression muscles and the raw surface was covered by split thickness skin (Fig. 2) . Pathological examination demonstrated no residual tumors.Histologically, tumor cells were arranged in a cribriform pattern from the upper dermis to subcutaneous fatty tissue (Fig. 3) . Some of the tumor cells were found continuous to the hair follicles and sebaceous glands (Fig. 4) . Perinural extension was noted (Fig. 5) .Immunohistochemically, keratin and epithelial membrane antibody were immunoreactive with the tumor cells, whereas S-100 protein, vimentin, and carcino-embryonic antigen were not.On electron microscopy, the tumor cells were arranged in a luminal structure. Most of them, however, were pseudolumina containing fine stellate granules, basal lamina, and collagen fibers (Fig. 6) although some were true lumina with numerous microvilli and junctional complexes nearby where the tumor cells were connected to the hair follicles and subcutaneous glands (Fig. 7), which suggests that the tumor originates from a sweat gland. On the above-mentioned, the tumor was diagnosed as a primary cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma.After 14-month-follow, the tissue defect of the cheek was reconstructed by the transfer as a free flap of the secondary vascularized musculocutaneous flap composed of the anterior seratus muscle, of which the volume is almost equal to that of the excised muscles of the cheek, and the anterior chest skin, of which the color and texture are matched to that of the cheek skin (Fig. 8) . The use of expander promoted the secondary formation of vascular network between the anterior seratus muscle and the anterior chest skin and made the primary closure of the flap donor without free skin graft possible.No recurrence or metastasis of the tumor has been observed in the course of 27 months' follow and the patient is very satisfied with the restored cheek.
吉田 哲憲
北海道大学 大学院医学研究科機能回復医学講座形成外科学分野
川嶋 邦裕
北海道大学 形成外科
大浦 武彦
井川 浩晴
北海道大学 形成外科
熊切 正信
川嶋 邦裕
本間 賢一
本間 賢一
大浦 武彦
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- 92 Franceschetti-Zwahlen-klein Syndrome の家族例(形成外科)
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- 形成外科の進歩と現況
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- Modified groin dissectionの経験
- Epithelioid sarcomaの1例
- 血管柄付遊離腓骨移植による有棘細胞癌術後脛骨欠損の再建の1例
- Bipedicle skin flap法による鼠径リンパ節郭清の経験
- イヌ下顎骨延長法における initial gap と骨再生機序の検討
- Late phase II clinical test of irinotecan hydrochloride (CPT-11) for squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas.
- Reconstruction of finger malignant melanoma by the reverse forearm flap.
- 逆行性前腕皮弁による手指悪性黒色腫の再建
- Spitz nevus の1例
- Case progress reports.Recurrent squamous cell carcinoma and angiosarcoma which caused metastasis during progress observation after reported in this journal.
- 臀部慢性膿皮症より生じ直腸へ浸潤した有棘細胞癌の1治療経験
- Bowenoid papulosis から有棘細胞癌を発症した1例
- A case of angiosarcoma with rare clinical feature.
- Early stage II phase clinical trial of hydrochloric acid Irinotecan (CPT-11) for skin malignant tumor.
- Spitz nevus の1例
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- 頬部に発生した primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the skin の1例
- 頭頸部領域の皮膚悪性腫瘍に対する外科的治療の現状
- A case of malignant soft part rhabdoid tumor.