Measurement of gastric mucosal temperature in cases with and without stomach ulcer.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The temperature of the mucosal surface of the stomach was measured using a gastrothermometer consisting of a thermistor and using a semiconductor.The results of this study revealed:1) In healthy subjects, the temperature of various portions of the mucosal surface varied greatly. Furthermore, in many patients the temperature of the posterior wall was higher than in the anterior wall. In many of the patients the temperature was higher in the corpus than the antrum.2) In both experimental dogs and in patients of gastric ulcer, the differences between the temperatures of the mucosal membrane surrounding the ulcer and the regenerating membrane decreased progressively with the healing process.3) In many cases of recurrent gastric ulcer, the center of the scar had a lower temperature than that of the surrounding mucosa.Furthermore, in cases, when the mean duration time of ulcer scar was shorter, the temperature was lower.The measurement of gastric mucosal temperature, therefore, is considered valuable for clinical evaluations of gastric ulcer especially in the prediction of protracted healing and/or recurrence cases.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
大原 秀一
浅木 茂
後藤 由夫
渋谷 大助
岩井 修一
西村 敏明
佐藤 彰
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