- 論文の詳細を見る
Drug-induced hepatic injury is one of the important problems in medical practice in recent years in Japan.We collected 8156 cases of drug-induced hepatic injury reported in Japanese articles published over a period of 70 years from 1911 to 1980.The greatest number of cases of drug-induced hepatic injury was due to antibiotics 2729, followed by drugs acting on the central nervous system 1223, chemotherapeutic drugs 1174, cardiovascular drugs 879, carcinostatic agents 604, hormones and hormone antagonists 452, diagnostic aids 370, and other drugs 725.Ten of the most common drugs which caused hepatic injury were chephalosporins, penicillins, thorium dioxide, arsphenamine, aminoglycosides, ethionamide, refampicine, macrolides, 4, 4'-diethylaminoethoxy hexestrol, cholrpromazine in descending order of frequency.The common clinical symptoms were gastrointestinal complaints, jaundice, fever, hepatomegaly and less frequently skin eruption.Approximately 93% of all cases were diagnosed on the basis of clinical history and laboratory tests. Readministration test, skin test, lymphocyte stimulation test and macrophage migration inhibitory test of suspected drugs were also performed as a diagnostic aid in nearly 7% of all cases. The positive rate of macrophage migration inhibitory test was 92.62%, that of readministration test 92.33%, lymphocyte stimulation test 88.83% and skin test 66.52%.The total 8156 cases included 395 fatal cases. The highest fatality rate was shown by thorium dioxide (153 cases), followed by halothane (28 cases), pyrazinamide (22 cases), arsphenamine (21 cases), 4, 4'-diethylaminoethoxy hexestrol (20 cases) in descending order.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- A rare case of systemic eosinophilic granulomatosis originating from the stomach.
- タイトル無し
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- Appearance of apoptosis in hepatoma and its significance.Immunohistologic study using anti-LeY antibody.
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- The clinicopathological study of p53 overexpression in hepatocellular carcinoma.
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- Diagnosis of Drug-Induced Hepatitis by Determination of Serum Enzyme Activities
- タイトル無し
- Trends in drug-induced pancreatitis in Japan.
- タイトル無し
- The effects of cimetidine on acute liver injuries induced by acetaminohen, CCl4 and galactosamine.
- 日本における薬物性肝障害の実態-過去70年間の薬物性肝障害症例-