The effects of cimetidine on acute liver injuries induced by acetaminohen, CCl4 and galactosamine.
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The effects of cimetidine on acute liver injuries induced by acetaminophen, CCl<SUB>4</SUB> and galactosamine were investigated in rats five hours after the administration of each hepatotoxin. Cimetidine significantly and markedly attenuated the elevations of serum GOT and GPT, the decrease in serum albumin content, the decrease in the contents of microsomal protein and cytochrome P-450, the reduction of aminopyrine N-demethylation activity, the decrease in hepatic glutathione content, and the severity of histological damage of the liver induced by acetaminophen. Likewise, cimetidine significantly attenuated the elevations of serum GOT and GPT and the decrease in microsomal protein content induced by CCl<SUB>4</SUB>. However, no protective effect of cimetidine against galactosamine-induced liver injury was observed. These protective effects of cimetidine against acetaminophen and CCl<SUB>4</SUB>-induced liver injuries may be due mainly to the inhibition of cytochrome P-450 activity in liver microsomes.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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