Functional Communication Ability in Aphasic Patients: CADL Test Performance as it relates to Aphasia Severity and Age.:CADL Test Performance as it relates to Aphasia Severity and Age
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The Communication ADL Test (CADL) and aphasia test were administered to 229 aphasic patients divided into two age groups : 123 younger patients (64 years old or younger) and 106 older patients (65 years old or older) . The two groups were further divided according to severity of aphasia and compared for test results.<BR>No statistically significant differences were found between the two age groups in cases of mild to moderate aphasia. However, the average CADL score for the older group of patients with severe aphasia was significantly low compared with that for the younger group, although the average aphasia test score for this group was virtually equivalent.<BR>The four communication strategies identified in the CADL Test (requesting repetition, self-correction, nonverbal compensatory responses and avoidance) were utilized with similar frequency for the two age groups of each severity. It should be noted that the effects of positive communication strategies, particularly nonverbal compensatory responses, on the success of communication were on par for the two age groups with severe aphasia.<BR>Implications for a therapy approach suitable for severely aphasic aged patients were discussed.
遠藤 教子
伊藤 元信
竹内 愛子
福迫 陽子
綿森 淑子
(財) 東京都老人総合研究所
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