- 論文の詳細を見る
The movements of hatchery-reared juveniles of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, and of wild juveniles from Lake Biwa released in the Tsubusa river, Oita Pref., Japan, were investigated to determine the point of release most effective for the harvest. Experimental fish in 1976 and 1977 were 20, 410 hatchery-reared and 9, 600 wild juveniles respectively. The dispersion of fish was observed for about 10 days after release, then the locations of harvest from June to October were recorded. Most of hatchery-reared ayu moved downstream and more than 35% of the released fish seemed to have left the stocking area. The greater part of harvest occurred downstream throughout the fishing season. On the other hand, wild ayu swam upstream and almost all of the harvest before the spawning migration occurred there. The distribution of fish during the fishing season seemed to be decided by the dispersion within about 10 days after release (short term dispersion). The number of harvest seems to be increased by decreasing the loss of fish from the stocking area during the short term dispersion and it will be favourable for the growth of the released fish to be distributed wide and uniformly in the area. Consequently, the hatchery-reared ayu should be released at the uppermost part of the area and the wild ayu at the lowermost part.
- 日本水産學會の論文
- WFCメモリアルブックとプロシーディングスの編集後記
- 第11回東アジアウナギ資源協議会(EASEC)国際シンポジウム : Eel 2008 in Yokohama : Multi-disciplinary approaches for eel conservation
- III(3)研究と社会連携(日本水産学会理事会・日本学術会議水産学分科会主催シンポジウム 水産学と日本水産学会の未来Part-III-行動する日本水産学会-,シンポジウム記録)
- 東シナ海周辺海域におけるConger myriasterレプトセファルスの遺伝子による種査定(平成19年度日本水産学会論文賞受賞)
- 2・2 仔稚魚の栄養と行動(2.集中課題「魚類仔稚魚の栄養と消化-健苗育成の基礎として-」,第四回因島種苗生産技術交流会,学会講演要旨)
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- I(1) 水産学の広がりと未来(理事会主催シンポジウム 水産学と日本水産学会の未来 Part-I)
- ウナギ回遊生態の解明(平成17年度日本水産学会賞受賞)
- 学術創成研究「海洋生命系のダイナミクス」
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- ムラサキイガイMytilus edulis galloprovincialis LAMARCKに棲息する橈脚類Pseudomyicola ostreae YAMAGUTIの発生 : ノープリウス期の外部形態
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- 降海さけ稚魚の食害に関する研究-II. : 大槌川における調査1964, 1965
- 標識シロサケの大槌川回帰に関する実験(予報)
- 日本産ムラサキイガイ(Mytilus edulis galloprovincialis)に寄生する橈脚類の新種,Anthessius graciliunguis n. sp.およびModiolicola bifidus TANAKA,1961について
- Effect of parental origin on jumping and spacing behaviours of juvenile ayu Plecoglossus altivelis with special reference to their upstream migration.
- Otolith daily increments in the Japanese eel.
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