- 論文の詳細を見る
Interstock differences in spacing pattern and jumping activity were compared for 5 groups (stocks) of juvenile ayu: landlocked lake stock (Wild-L), amphidromous river stock (Wild-R), and reared fish from 3 hatcheries (Reared-A, -B, -C). Reared-A and -B formed a tight aggregation (φ15-30cm; diameter) in the daytime, while Wild-L dispersed throughout an experimental tank (φ108cm), and Wild-R exhibited behaviour intermediate between Wild-L and hatchery fishes, forming a loose aggregation and/or schooling in a circle (φ70-80cm). At night, however, there was no difference between the 4 groups; i.e. all fish moved randomly and were inactive. If assuming that a spacing pattern was maintained by an in-terindividual distance (Optimum Distance to the Nearest Neighbour: ODNN) peculiar to a fish group, Wild-L appeared to have a large ODNN, while Reared-A and -B, a small ODNN, and Wild-R, intermediate value. Jumping activity was highest in Wild-L (77.9: percentage of the first-time jumpers), followed by Wild-R (60.4), Reared-B (56.3), Reared-C (56.0) and Reared-A (33.6). Diel variations in jumping behaviour of the 5 fish groups were synchronized with each another, showing remarkable peaks from 14:00 till 20:00 hours, corresponding to a rise in temperature of river water. In conclusion, spacing and jumping behaviour were closely related to each other: i.e. fish with the larger ODNN in spacing presented the more active jumping behaviour.
- 日本水産學會の論文
- WFCメモリアルブックとプロシーディングスの編集後記
- 第11回東アジアウナギ資源協議会(EASEC)国際シンポジウム : Eel 2008 in Yokohama : Multi-disciplinary approaches for eel conservation
- III(3)研究と社会連携(日本水産学会理事会・日本学術会議水産学分科会主催シンポジウム 水産学と日本水産学会の未来Part-III-行動する日本水産学会-,シンポジウム記録)
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