ブリ筋肉化学組成の季節変化-I : 水分,脂質および粗蛋白
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The water, lipid and crude protein content of yellowtail muscle were investigated in 4 gouprs of fish, i.e., “wild-young”, “wild-adult”, “cultured-young” and “cultured-adult”, during an 11 month period between May and March. Periodic variations were observed in the lipid and water contents of the 3 groups excepting “wild-young” which consisted of a smaller number of fish, but practically no fluctuation was seen in the crude protein con-tents. The rise and fall patterns of lipid content were somewhat different in “adult” and “young”; in the former the fatty season occurred during the 6 month period between October and March, while in the latter it extended from August to February. This resulted in a reversal of the order of the two groups with respect to lipid levels during August and Septem-ber. The seasonal variations in the lipid level seem to be the result of seasonal fluctuations of the water temperature and the food intake of the fish; in the “culture” groups, the lipid level was nearly constant in autumn and winter in which seasons the food intake seemed to correlated with the water temperature, while it fell in spring and rose in mid-summer (“young”) or early autumn (“adult”) during which seasons there was a lack of correlation.
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