Studies on Utilization of the Liver Oil of Deep Sea Sharks-V:Hydrocarbon Contents in "Heratsunozame", Deania spp
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Of a series of our reports dealing with hydrocarbon contents of deep sea sharks the present work is concerned to that of "heratsunozame", Deania including at least two different species of which taxonomical indentification has not been available. On the basis of morphometric data of about forty samples used for the study (Table 1) an average weight of the liver has been computed at 21.45 per cent of the body for the male fish, and 19 per cent of the female body (Figs 1-2). The liver contains oil for 75-91 per cent (Table 2 and Fig. 3)• Properties of the liver oil and unsaponifiable matters in the oil are shown in Tables 3 and 4 respectively. The refractive index indicated that hydrocarbon in the liver oil of Deania spp. is mainly constituted of squalene (Table 5). When compared the liver oil from different sexes, the hydrocarbon content in the oil was found higher with the male than with the female, but this difference is not so great as the case of "yumezame", Centroscymnus owstoni (Fig. 5). The relation of specific gravity and the hydrocarbon content of the liver oil is expressed by an equation x=1685.43-1863t1………………………………(I) where x is the hydrocarbon content of the liver oil, and t1, specific gravity (d154) of the liver oil (Fig. 6). Judging from the relation of refractive index and the hydrocarbon content of the liver oil shown in Fig. 7, we are in the opinion that Deania under the study consisted at least of two species. One of them, group A, was caught inside of the Tokyo Bay in December 1952 and following January, while the other, group B, was from the Sagami Bay and Kaneda Bay, Ka-nagawa prefecture, in February 1950 and April 1951. The relations of refractive index and the hydrocarbon content for, group A marked with open circle and for group B with, dot (Fig. 7) is indicated by the following equations respectively: x=3690t2-5400…………………………(II) x=3900t2'-5684.34……………………(III) where t2' is refractive index (n_??_) of the liver oil. The relation between the hydrocarbon content and unsaponifiable matter content of the liver oil is x=0.9313t3-11.86……………………(IV) where t3 is unsaponifiable matter content of the liver oil (%) (Fig. 8). As a result of investigation of the egg and embryo at different stages of the development, lipids and hydrocarbon in the egg were found to increase as it grows, while they were likely consumed with the growth of the embryo like in case. of Cenfroscymnus (Tables 7-10, and Figs. 10-13.).
- 社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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