Studies on the Economical Manufacture of Vitamin A Concentrate from Fish Liver Oil-I:Molecular Distillation of Modified Oil
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The purpose of this work is to establish the foundation for preparating vitamin A concentrate or vitamin A itself from fish liver or visceral oil on an industrial scale. The present report deals with a study on the molecular distillation of modified oil. Where the word "modified" is defined as any treatment which changes the composition and properties of oil. Three different treatments used for the study are interesterification proposed by E. W. ECKEY, transesterification and selective esterification. The results obtained are as follows. a) In the case of the distillation of interesterified oil, yield of distilled oil at a low temperature increases, and vitamin A is a littel difficult to be distilled as compared with that of unmodified oil. The rate of concentration of vitamin A is lower than that of unmodied oil (tables 1, 4 and figure 1). b) In the distilllation of completely transesterified oil with methanol, vitamin A remains in the residue after a greater part of methyl esters is distilled. But the rate of concentration is by far lower than that of unmodified oil, because a fair portion of vitamin A is distilled with methyl esters. This phenomenon is due to a fact that in the transesterification, vitamin A ester contained in natural liver oil chages to vitamin A alcohol which is distilled at a lower temperature (tables 1, 5, 6 and figure 1). c) Condition of selective esterification under which 80 to 90per cent of vitamin A remains in ester form, while glycerides are esterified as much as possible, is studied (figure 2). This condition is obtained by regurating the amount of sodium methoxyde as catalyst, volume of methanol, time of reaction and temperature. When selectively esterified oil is used, it is possible to distil methyl esters which contain practically no vitamin A. Accordingly, the rate of concentration of vitamin A by this method is always much higher than that by unselective esterification described in paragraph b and sometimes higer than the rate concentraitng from unmodified oil (tables 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and figure 1).
- 社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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